AGM: November 6, 2019
Local 517's Annual General Meeting (AGM) will be held:
On Wednesday, November 6th 2019 at 5:15 PM
At the Maritime Labour Centre (1880 Triumph Street, Vancouver)
In addition to covering the regular agenda items listed below, it is at the AGM where any newly elected officers will be sworn in to their respective positions, and Standing Committees will be struck for the coming year.
If you are willing to accept a nomination but unable to attend the AGM, please complete the proxy form below, and return to Jennifer Tyler, Even-year Trustee, by October 31, 2019.
Per our By-Laws, the business of the Local shall be managed by the Executive subject to the approval of the active membership, governed by Robert's Rules of Order.
Please contact a member of the Nominations & Elections Committee know if you have any questions or concerns.
Meeting Agenda:
Call to Order
Membership Trustee Report
Report from ILWU Canada
Reading & Approval of previous meeting's minutes
Review & Approval of Correspondence Log
Financial Report
Committee Reports
Job Evaluation
Nominations and Elections
Individual Incentive Bonus Program
Occupational Health and Safety Policy
Outside Operations
Unfinished Business
New Business
New officer swearing in
Open nominations and election of Standing Committees for 2019-2020
Good and Welfare