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Shop Stewards


Shop stewards are members of our local who represent and protect the interests and rights of the membership and act as a liaison between the union and management.


Shop stewards are available to assist members in understanding their rights and in the handling of grievances at Step 1. At the employee’s request, a Shop Steward may attend a conduct and discipline meeting between an employee and management. 


Per our By-Laws, Shop Stewards shall be elected on the job in the month of November on a job and area basis as appropriate for the existing work situation. 


Current Shop Stewards, by bargaining unit


Fraser Surrey Docks 

Diane Ward


Nanaimo Port Authority

Brad Lytle

Gerrit Keizer


Port Alberni Port Authority

Angie Taylor


Squamish Terminals

Colleen Stankevich


Vancouver Fraser Port Authority

Janice Hunt

TJ Janz

Kevin Ball

Ankit Joshi

Gerry Marino

Catherine D'Ally

Lisa Fox

Jeff Marshall

Jason Lai

Alycia Majorkiewicz-Ata




Westshore Terminals

Gina Gray

ILWU Local 517 (C.L.C.)

PO Box 28164

RPO West Pender

Vancouver, BC CANADA

V6C 3T7

Updated 517 Logo (no panama).png
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