Upcoming VDLC Course Offerings
The Vancouver & District Labour Council has room in their spring sessions. Click Read More to open this post and then click the PDF image...

Upcoming VDLC Course Offerings
The Vancouver & District Labour Council has room in the following classes for the Labour Education Fall session: Charter Rights in the...

2019 Labour Education Program - Fall Session
Every year the Vancouver & District Labour Council holds a series of courses and workshops on a variety of labour-related topics. The...

2019 Labour Education Program
Every year the Vancouver & District Labour Council holds a series of courses and workshops on a variety of labour-related topics. The...

2018 Labour Education Program
Every year the Vancouver & District Labour Council holds a series of courses and workshops on a variety of labour-related topics. The...

Upcoming VDLC Course Offerings
The Vancouver & District Labour Council has 2 more courses scheduled before the end of the year. Grievances: Initiation to Arbitration is...

VDLC Meeting & Pizza Educational - June 20
The next meeting of the Vancouver & District Labour Council is at 7:30 PM on Tuesday, June 20th at the Maritime Labour Centre (1880...