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Next Membership Meeting: June 7

Local 517 members are encouraged to attend our membership meetings, held at 5:15 p.m. on the first Wednesday of each month at the Maritime Labour Centre (see map below for directions).

If you haven't already done so, please respond to the calendar invitation by Shane Pittman for our next meeting on June 7th, 2017.

Per our By-Laws, the business of the Local shall be managed by the Executive subject to the approval of the active membership, governed by Robert's Rules of Order.

Meeting Agenda:

  1. Call to Order

  2. Membership Trustee Report

  3. Report from ILWU Canada

  4. Reading & Approval of previous meeting's minutes

  5. Review & Approval of Correspondence Log

  6. Financial Report

  7. Committee Reports

  • Sunshine

  • Safety

  • Grievance

  • Job Evaluation

  • EFAP

  • Communications

  • Nominations and Elections

  • Individual Incentive Bonus Program

  • Constitution

  • Occupational Health and Safety Policy

  • Policy

  1. Outside Operations

  2. Unfinished Business

  3. New Business

  4. Good and Welfare

  5. Adjournment

Top 5 reasons to attend:

  1. You'll be better informed! Keep on top of the current happenings in your local union and your workplace

  2. Get engaged. You have the opportunity to ask questions and join in the dialogue regarding current events and ongoing business.

  3. Have fun socializing and getting to know fellow members.

  4. Free food! Dinner is provided at every meeting.

  5. You can win $100 each month AND $500 each year! A $100 prize draw takes place at each monthly meeting, and if you attend four or more meetings in a year (September to August), you'll be entered to win the $500 grand prize! The more you attend, the more entries you get. Recent winners include: Yves Gauthier (May), Derek Birch (April), and Marisa Barbeta (March).

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ILWU Local 517 (C.L.C.)

PO Box 28164

RPO West Pender

Vancouver, BC CANADA

V6C 3T7

Updated 517 Logo (no panama).png
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